No More Colds For ME!!!

This fall and winter I have decided to really make a concerted effort to ward off viruses by giving my kids a homemade elderberry tincture.  So far it has been 100% successful, YAY!!!  I would usually have dealt with at least one or two rounds of something going through my family of six since September.  

I love the recipe from Deep Roots at Home (I used dried berries though) check out the incredibly easy recipe HERE.  If you are like me and have no idea how or where to get fresh berries you can look for them in your local herb store or order them at Mountain Rose Herbs for $4.25 for 4oz which should make plenty to get you through the cold/ flu season.

I do not make any money from these links, these are simply my opinions and recommendations, neither site has any idea that I am promoting them.

Pumpkin Curry + other fast and easy Asian flavor recipes

I will have to get pics later since I'm doing this a couple weeks since I made this but I'm due to make it again soon.

Pumpkin Curry:
Pumkin or similar squash
Coconut Milk
I bake a pumpkin, acorn squash or butternut squash & let it cool & then peel off the skin, scoop out the seeds & chop it into cubes. In a large pan I pour in a can or two of light coconut milk & add curry to taste, any curry will work, then I throw in the squash until heated through.  As a soup I usually add a little stock to thin it out a bit. Serve with Rice, Noodles, Flatbread, ...
This recipe is super versatile, you can add tons of other ingredients, Chicken, Tofu, Fish, Shrimp, Chickpeas, Lentils, Cilantro, Chiles, Peas, Asparagus, Beans, Bell Peppers, ...
You can also use canned pumpkin for a nice smooth sauce and of course it's faster.  ;-)

Chow Mein:
Chuka Soba noodles or Spaghetti
Shredded Cabbage, carrots, celery and onion or a precut bag of coleslaw
Any other veggies, meat or tofu you want to add
Soy sauce
Crunchy noodles &/or nuts(I like almonds or cashews)
Cook the noodles, drain, then add a couple tablespoons of oil in the bottom of a big skillet or stir fry pan and throw in the noodles and as much as you want of the veggies and soy sauce.Top with some sliced almonds or other typing of your choice.
This recipe is very versatile, you can use just about any veggies and meat you like and there are plenty of other sauces you can use for flavor, even just garlic and a some fresh cilantro is delish. 

Tomato Sauce
Curry Spice
Yogurt, plain
Add any veggies and proteins you like:  potato, peas, carrot, chickpeas, chicken, tofu, fish, onion, cauliflower, bell pepper, lentils, cilantro, lime, coconut, cashews, ...
(Saag is a yogurt or cream curry with lots of Spinach)

Basmati or Jasmine Rice
Other ingredients
Biryani is a rice curry where you add the curry and other ingredients right into the rice.  My husbands favorite is a coconut cashew with golden raisins but there are as many variations as you can think of.  I recommend going to an Indian restaurant for inspiration.  :-)

Nothing is easier than a great stirfry!  Put a couple tablespoons of oil in a wok or large pan and when it's hot throw in your veggies and anything else you want.  It can be as simple as adding a bunch of garlic or soy sauce or you can buy or make up any number of sauces to add.  Some of my favorites are, cabbage with garlic, any frozen veggie mix, and broccoli with soy sauce.

Totally Feels Like You are Cheating Ramen:
Ramen Soup
Lots of veggies and anything else you want.
(I also cook the ramen and then drain the noodles before adding the spice packet and then add veggies and such and sometimes add plain yogurt or sour cream to make it creamy.)

EPIC Frontier Airline Fail

I was shocked when I read this FB post and Frontier Airlines responses.

  • Very disappointed that my 17-year-old daughter was left sitting at the gate because your gate crew failed to call Zone 4 boarding. When she realized it was the end of the line and got up to get in it, she was denied access to the plane. She is now stuck three states away having missed her connecting flight.
    Like · 
    • 6 people like this.
    • Frontier Airlines Hi Joanna, when the flight starts to board, we recommend all passengers to stand by the gate waiting for their time to board. All psgrs have until 15 mins prior to flight departure to board the aircraft. At that time the doors are shut and paperwork will be finalized. ^BG
    • Jonna Borough Wilson She was sitting at the gate waiting for Zone 4 to be called, as she was instructed to do by your staff.
    • Adele McIntosh Oh no!!!
      20 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Frontier Airlines Please know this wording can all be all rows, all zones. It can depend but passengers still have additional time even after the flight has boarded as long as they are there 15 mins till. It is at that point the flight is closed. ^BG
    • Jonna Borough Wilson She is a minor traveling with a three-year-old minor. Frontier did not ensure the safety of my children!
      19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
    • Adele McIntosh Frontier Airlines, step up and how about: "I'm so sorry this has happened, what can we do to help your 2 minor children? Are they OK, have they been re-accommodated and is there anything our ground staff can do to help at this point?" instead of telling us what your policies and procedures are!
      19 hours ago · Edited · Like · 26
    • Lisa Wilson Ouch Frontier Airlines! If you are going to engage in social media, you might want to do it with a little judgement. How about starting with, "I am sorry this happened. We know travel can be confusing for young inexperienced travelers. How can we help get your children home?"
      19 hours ago · Like · 11
    • Frontier Airlines Joanna, when/if a flight is missed, the agent would help with re-accommodation on a later flight. If they have not, please let us know and we will check into it. I will certainly fwd your comments to the station regarding your disappointment. ^BG
    • Jonna Borough Wilson My name is JONNA! See, even YOU are not paying attention to your customer.
      19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
    • Jonna Borough Wilson And NO ONE at the Denver airport helped her! I got on the phone and held for 40 minutes to get the job done.
    • Frontier Airlines Jonna, I apologize for the typo and adding an A to your name. ^BG

There are a lot more comments but this gives you the general idea, at every turn Frontier Airlines spouts policy instead of using this as an opportunity to reach out and win potential customers over.

Here is how they handled her baggage:

Jonna Borough Wilson "Jonna, her bags will be held in our Baggage Service Office at her destination. They can be retrieved once she arrives. ^JR" No one seems to be in the baggage claim area to help us retrieve her bags. What now? Will they be delivered to our home?

And in response to a suggestion that they take 2 seconds to call out the names of anyone who has checked in but not boarded:

Frontier Airlines Miriam, Minors names are not called, they are escorted on before. Our unaccompanied minor ends at 15 unless a parent wishes to have them escorted. ^BZ

Not only did they handle it badly initially but they made her pay a fee to change her to the later flight which was then delayed for three hours and didn't offer any concessions, no food vouchers, nothing.  I am utterly APPALLED that Frontier Airlines doesn't train their personnel better than this and that policy is more important than customer relations.  

This is the kind of behavior that loses you a LOT of customers, I know that I won't go near them with a ten foot pole now and I'm going to make sure that others know to never use them either, thankfully in this world of technology and communication her FB post being shared by many and even my little post on my little blog can together be seen or shared with enough people to make a decent dent peoples awareness of how some companies treat their customers; as numbers instead of people.

This post was shared with permission from the original poster.  The daughter she refers to is her daughter in law.